How does Smily Damage Deposit (by Swikly) work?

  1. When a guest makes a booking with you, they receive a contract which shows the damage deposit amount.
  2. Before the guest’s arrival, they will receive a request to pay the damage deposit via Swikly.
  3. Swikly will secure the deposit on the guest’s credit card without debiting or blocking their bank account. 
  4. Once the damage deposit has been secured on the guest’s card, you will see a tag on the booking on Smily

  5. If there is no claim made on the damage deposit, the deposit expires automatically a few days after the guest has checked out.
  6. If you need to make a claim, just contact the Smily team and we will take care of claiming the funds via Swikly. 
  7. You will receive any payment due into your bank account.